Financial Stewardship
How We Raise Funds
The primary function of the Oak Grove School Education Foundation is to raise funds that can be re-directed to projects in areas that differentiate student educational opportunities and teacher development. Currently, the Foundation raises money via five approaches:
The primary function of the Oak Grove School Education Foundation is to raise funds that can be re-directed to projects in areas that differentiate student educational opportunities and teacher development. Currently, the Foundation raises money via five approaches:
- Playground Pavers - Leave a mark on Oak Grove School through the purchase of a playground paver. Dedicate a sentiment for your student, family, or teacher while raising funds to differentiate Oak Grove School.
- Business Partnerships - A strong school builds a strong community and we are proud to work in partnership with local businesses to continue to differentiate Oak Grove School.
- Events - Specific and significant fundraising events that encourage community participation. Among these is the bi-annual Grove Gala, our major social event featuring a silent auction and an evening of fun and entertainment and Oak Grove Rocks! Click here for more information. Please contact us if you have other great ideas!
- Personal and Matching Contributions - As a 501(c)(3), contributions to the Oak Grove School Education Foundation are fully tax deductible according to the law.
- Grants - As part of its Strategic Plan, the Foundation will pursue grants from philanthropic organizations and other groups that support primary school and K-8 education initiatives. Please contact us if you have grant writing experience and would like to volunteer.
Criteria for Fundraising Efforts
It is the goal of the Foundation to focus fundraising on activities that are:
On occasion the Foundation may partner with the School Board, the PTO, or others to make possible projects that benefit from collaborative efforts.
It is the goal of the Foundation to focus fundraising on activities that are:
- Significant. Activities directed at initiatives that are typically outside the scope and scale of other school organizations.
- Non-competitive. Foundation fundraising does not seek to replicate activities utilized by Booster Groups, the Parent Organization, and other organizations that are directly supporting the school.
- Appropriate. Events and funding activities will be consistent with the kinds of initiatives that are typically associated with school foundations. This is an important component of maintaining the Foundation's distinct identity, as identified in the Strategic Plan.
On occasion the Foundation may partner with the School Board, the PTO, or others to make possible projects that benefit from collaborative efforts.
Our Responsibilities to Donors
The OGSEF Board takes its role seriously in representing both donors to its programs and to the community at large. These activities are focused around four principals:
The OGSEF Board takes its role seriously in representing both donors to its programs and to the community at large. These activities are focused around four principals:
- Our job is to raise money for Oak Grove School. Maximizing total contributions to Foundation-funded projects is the Foundation's first priority. While recognizing that these initiatives are constrained by the resources and personnel available to the Foundation, the Board is committed to consistently seeking ways to generate greater funding more efficiently.
- We are responsible to our contributors. While the goal is to maximize total contributions, the Board pays equal attention to efficiently and effectively managing expenses. While expenses that drive funding beyond their incremental costs will always be encouraged, expenses that are simply for the ongoing operation will be managed prudently and diligently.
- Projects funded must be consistent with the OGSEF mission. These are initiatives that extend the learning opportunities for Oak Grove's students beyond base taxpayer expectations. Foundation-funded activities are intended to, wherever possible, increase and enhance the educational experience at Oak Grove School and are not to represent a source of funding for ongoing school operations.
- The Foundation is transparent. Operating statements and information about Foundation activities will always be available for public access.
501(c) (3) Form
The Oak Grove School Education Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization and contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For a copy of the 501(c) (3) Form click here.
For more information contact [email protected]
The Oak Grove School Education Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization and contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For a copy of the 501(c) (3) Form click here.
For more information contact [email protected]
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